I love fresh laundry… especially whites. It just looks so clean and fluffy. A few years ago, I gave up bleach in my laundry. Not really because of the chemical concerns, but because we were constantly ruining our clothes! I tried a few things to keep my whites that really stark white. Borax, lemon, salt, baking soda, etc. nothing works as much as this…Here’s my recipe … For each load, I add:

Tide pod or whatever brand I am currently buying

1 to 1-1/2 cups of white vinegar (depends on how large of a load )

1/2 cup of dishwashing detergent

Wash in hot water. I’ve heard that leaving out the fabric softener is actually better for the wear and tear on your threads in your towels. But, I’m still using it, because I just love the smell. I also add essential oils to my linens- especially sheets (mostly lemon and lavender).

I’m not sure what this magic combo is, but it totally works for me. Leave a comment with any whiter than white ideas you have for your laundry!


Until Next Time!


  1. 1.23.18
    AdaA said:

    Hey Tonya 🙂 Do you find that this combo whitens clothes that have already become dingy? Or just keeps things that are white from getting dingy? Like will it save my husbands old undershirts, or should I just toss them all and start fresh? Thanks!

    • 1.27.18 said:

      I think it helps but I know sometimes whites get passed the point of no return LOL. I try and do this in every white load so it keeps them whiter, longer and always wth hot water. I’m not against bleach but it just seems that in my house, bleach ends up where I don’t want it. My washer is older and a cycle or two later, bleach will get in my colored clothes– that’s so frustrating so a few years ago, I just eliminated it unless I was hand washing something in the sink– which is tons of fun (not).

  2. 8.31.18
    Francisco said:

    Thanks, it’s very informative

  3. 10.22.18

    Thanks for the excellent guide

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